jan katTein architects
© Jack Hobhouse
"I cannot imagine a better balance of pragmatic, hands-on advice and thoughtfulness. Julia's input has been an absolute game changer." Jan Kattein
Having identified that their company and personal activity on LinkedIn was having a positive impact on project opportunities, Jan and Chrysanthe invited me to help nurture a collective of voices to support the studio’s goals.
At the start of the session, people shared how the idea of posting on social media could make them feel uncomfortable, self-conscious or reluctant to create digital noise. To help develop their own visibility, I needed to build confidence in knowing what to say, when and why.
During the workshop, we talked through values which underpin JKA’s work, content themes, the structure of a good story, insights worth sharing and how to find your voice. I shared good examples of LinkedIn content and discussed studio ‘guard rails’ for posting responsibly.
By the end of the session, everyone had created a great example of content related to their work and reported feeling clearer about not just posting, but how to make a valuable addition to online conversations.